Каталог автомобилей » BMW » BMW Z4 Coupe
BMW Z4 Coupe
$52459 - минимальная стоимость авто
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BMW Z4 Купе (E86) - заднеприводное двухместное спортивное купе. BMW оснастил автомобиль 3,0-литровым однорядным шестицилиндровым двигателем, развивающим 265 л.с. Выпускается БМВ Z4 только в США на заводе в Спартанбурге.
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Karik188.143.232.27 | 2016-05-04 17:28:48
What a horror story. Not much curb appeal in that story. The most important thing is you made it safely, and you have many memories to go along with you. We are thinking of you every minute, that is, when we are not tending to Elle. We packed two bags, none ovhtgeiwer, in record time and drove all night to get here. Elle under the weather with two ear infections and an eye infection. Day care germ sharing at its best!
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