Каталог автомобилей » BMW » BMW 1
$28836 - минимальная стоимость авто
» Продажа конфискованных автомобилей:
BMW 1 Series (E87) - заднеприводный пятидверный хэтчбек гольф-класса c продольным расположением двигателя. Автомобиль выпускается в Германии с 2004 года. Основными конкурентами БМВ 1 Серии являются Audi A3 и Volkswagen Golf.
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Roxy188.143.232.27 | 2016-04-30 08:05:51
First, Pettie is a “rat” who will take down anyone in the name of religion. Hopefully, Clemens will have a trial before his peers which means the jury will be composed of major league ball players including those who took drugs and those who did not. This will result in a hung jury. MLB and many players should be concern about Clemens taking his case to trial as MLB and some players are going to be “burned” badly. Hopefully this is the last year I have to listen to Pettie and his Texas &##gt0;2an2e&88221;…..
NatKA | 2009-06-02 14:38:37
3-х литровый 265 л.с. - вот ЭТО аппаратище! ХАЧУ!!!!!
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