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Каталог автомобилей » SEAT » SEAT Ibiza 3dr

SEAT Ibiza 3dr

$14990 - минимальная стоимость авто
» Продажа конфискованных автомобилей:
SEAT Ibiza - переднеприводный трехдверный хэтчбек класса B, построенный на платформе VW Polo. Дебют третьего поколения автомобиля СЕАТ Ибица состоялся на автошоу в Болонье в декабре 2001 года.

Фото SEAT Ibiza 3dr

Отзывы о SEAT Ibiza 3dr:

Susannah188.143.234.155 | 2016-04-30 06:13:13
George, I love the plug ins I have from you, and would undoubtedly buy more, but I have just bought some new ones from someone else, and am having trouble up loading them to my site. Pinterzon and auborlogget, to mention the names… I keep getting the message that there are no plugins recognized on the upload. When I get it figured out and get those running I may want something else, but I don’t work well with tooo many things at one time. Thanks for the products you create to make the job of selling products on the internet easier.
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